The new “Recommendations” feature on Twitter App for iOS & Android will let you receive personalized push notifications when multiple people in your network follow the same user or favorite or retweet the same Tweet. Now you will not miss any trending and great Tweets sharing among your network and keep up-to-date with the trending topics and juicy news in town.
So How Recommendations Works?
Imagine if you follow Kumar on Twitter. One of his tweets happen to stir up a flurry of responses among people that you follow as well and following that, you receive personalized ‘Recommendations’ in the form of a push notifications. In the case that you are not following Kumar, but your Twitter followers do and re-tweets him, these then come as a Recommendation pushed to you and you can start to follow him too.
Recommendations is a feature that easily provides additional information for you to keep abreast of the latest news in your own Twitter-nest.