The PlayStation 4 20th Anniversary Edition consoles will be limited to 12,300 units worldwide, a number that reflects the launch date of the original PS, and will be available for a price of S$689 in Singapore. The limited edition PS4 and included accessories come in “Original Gray” colour, all packaged in a special commemorative box.

To get a unit of this every limited console, you will need to join the “PlayStation 20th Anniversary Online Contest” for Southeast Asia to get a chance to win a purchase pass to buy the PlayStation4 20th Anniversary Edition. The contest will be held from 4 December to 21 December 2014.
You will need to use your creativity to express why you should be given the purchase pass to buy the PlayStation 4 20th Anniversary Edition. You can share any photo or video on Instagram to celebrate PlayStation 20th Anniversary with a specific hashtag. The theme can be:
- Your special PlayStation collection
- Your best moment with PlayStation
- PlayStation related cosplay
- Anything you can think of!
All winners will be determined by the number of likes on Instagram (50%) and selected by Sony’s judging panel according to creative, inspiring and styling factors (50%). You will also get a chance to win a PlayStation Plus 3-Year Membership and PlayStation 20th Anniversary Limited Premiums in addition to the purchase pass.
More information on the 20th Anniversary Instagram contest is available at “PlayStation® 20th Anniversary Website”: http://asia.playstation.com/ps20th.

In addition to the contest, SCEH Singapore Branch has created some special premiums to give away to our customers for purchase of PlayStation console or software. There will also be some special designed PSN prepaid cards featuring different classic game titles to commemorate PlayStation’s 20th anniversary.