Discover 2025’s top travel trends from Klook Travel Pulse 3.0—how Gen Z & Millennials prioritise experiences, social media-driven trips, and self-care travel.
Tag: Klook
Klook Travel Fest Returns on 29 & 30 October 2022 at Suntec City with Great Deals
The Klook Travel Fest returns 29 & 30 October with flash deals & promotions, ‘Ask Klook’ booths, giveaways with over S$10,000 worth of prizes & more.
Klook celebrates 8th birthday with great deals and prizes.
Klook celebrates 8 great years this year and has partnered with merchants to offer prizes and the best travel deals from 30 September to 14 October 2022.
Stay the McDelivery x Klook Happiest Night-In at Oakwood Premier AMTD Singapore
McDonald’s & Klook to launch the first ever McDelivery x Klook ‘Happiest Night-In’ Staycation at Oakwood Premier AMTD Singapore.
Use Your S$100 SingapoRediscovers Vouchers on Klook and four other Partners
You can use your SingapoRediscover Vouchers at Klook and four other partners appointed by Singapore Tourism Board.