Nothing says patriotism like downing a bottle of pride – literally. Singapore’s first gypsy brewery, Brewlander & Co. has finally opened shop. Love, Hope, Courage and (of course) Pride are all based off classic styles of beer, made with passion by (self proclaimed, but approved) Beer Jedi/Chef Rocket Scientist, John Wei. The brewer began his journey back in 2008 and has earned himself quite a following after winning multiple homebrew awards in Singapore. Now, his refreshing range of beers can be found across Singapore in craft beer spots such as The Good Beer Company, Freehouse, Booze Pharma-C and more.

An easy favourite of the four is Love (6.5%ABV), It greets with an inviting tropical nose of passionfruit when poured. Don’t be alarmed at the sight of a hazy pour. Unfiltered and unpasteurized, the yeast inside it is what gives the beer its juicy, tropical fruit palate. Akin to biting into a pineapple, with a bright splash of passionfruit. It finishes with a hoppy bitterness IPA lovers know, love and just can’t get enough of.
Still, one cannot go through the series without giving Pride (5.5%ABV) a try. I dare say this is my first choice in fighting against the blistering hot weather and equally spicy local fare. A Saison, this is a citrus-forward brew accented by notes of spice. It presents a nice dry finish, which lingers. Despite how in-your-face the label and name is, I love how easy it goes down. Even with friends new to craft beers, this was a easy win alongside Love.

Hope (4.5% ABV) is another good beer to start the night off. It is a well-balanced summer ale, with nice, strong flavours of stone fruits and citrus coming through. A light bitterness peaks it head through, along with a crisp, sour note. If I had a piping hot bowl of curry chicken then, my day would have been made.
Last but not least, the strongest contender Courage (8.2% ABV). A bright, hoppy double IPA, it brings you in with layers of tropical fruits and orange citrus. There’s a distinct bitter note at the end, but so, so drinkable. And, that is the dangerous part. It is easy to forget, and down a couple of this, which, honestly, I have no qualms about. The night would just get better!
Find out more, and where to get Brewlander & Co. beers on their website or Facebook page.