Samantha’s Peace, Love and Commoonity Sundae will only be on sale at the 313@Somerset Discovery Walk flagship store

Ben & Jerry’s Gives Back with Peace, Love and Ice-Cream

Ben & Jerry’s flagship store at 313@Somerset Discovery Walk offers 18 ice cream flavours, alongside new shakes, ice cream cakes and merchandises.
Ben Jerrys flagship store at 313Somerset Discovery Walk offers 18 ice cream flavours alongside new shakes ice cream cakes and merchandises

If there’s anything good about the sweltering heat, is that it has given us the perfect excuse for a scoop of Ben & Jerry’s creamy creations. Thankfully, they have opened up shop at the centralised location of 313@Somerset Discovery Walk (next to Ji-Biru), to offer us an exciting menu of 18 chunky, swirly and euphoric ice cream flavours, alongside new shakes, ice cream cakes and, even, some moo-tastic merchandises to bring home. It will also be the only store, where they will debuting new flavours, like the sweet & salty peanut butter-based ice cream, Nice Kacang.

Malaysian Food Artist, Samantha Lee came down to the store specially to unveil her collaboration with Ben&Jerry’s.
Malaysian Food Artist Samantha Lee came down to the store specially to unveil her collaboration with Ben Jerrys

As part of the festivities (on top of their ever-popular Free Cone Days), Ben & Jerry unveiled an exciting collaboration with Malaysian food artist, Samantha Lee (FB/Instagram). She showed off her craft and made seemingly simple ice cream balls into an adorable pair of cows, filled with strawberry hearts, brownies and a chocolate-covered Peace pretzel. Known as the Peace, Love and Comoonity Sundae, this adorable treat will be available only at the flagship store from now till the 31st August 2015.

Samantha’s Peace, Love and Commoonity Sundae will only be on sale at the 313@Somerset Discovery Walk flagship store
Samanthas Peace Love and Commoonity Sundae will only be on sale at the 313Somerset Discovery Walk flagship store

What’s really special about the store and this sundae, it is part of Ben & Jerry’s social justice mission – from using entirely non-GMO ingredients and using fair trade ones where possible to its commitment to the community. It will run concurrently with their Benefit Tuesday Night programme, also exclusive to the store. Running on the Tuesday every month from 7.00PM to 9.00PM right at their Ben & Jerry’s Community Action Hub, it will allow various local welfare organisations to engage the public on their noble causes. How these all links up is that all the profits from the sale of Samantha’s sundae creation will be donated to those partners!

Project Happy Feet is one of the local welfare organisations taking part in Benefit Tuesday Night
Project Happy Feet is one of the local welfare organisations taking part in Benefit Tuesday Night

To make things better, 20% of sales during Benefit Tuesday Night will also form part of the donations. It’s a real two birds with one stone situation with my ice cream and knowing I have contributed to organisations like Project Happy Feet and Play Moolah.

They will also introduce the new Chocolate Mint Shake, using locally sourced mint from Edible Garden City
They will also introduce the new Chocolate Mint Shake using locally sourced mint from Edible Garden City

The illustrious scoop shop did not stop there. They will – in the words of Mr Moustapha, Country Director of Unilever Singapore – continue their mission to “spread peace, love and ice cream in Singapore” by sourcing for ingredients in equal-minded and values-led local establishments. Halal bakery items, including brownies and cookies, will be supplied by SCORE Bakery, which works to rehabilitate inmates through skills training, while herbs like mint, will be provided by Edible Garden City, who are a group of urban farmers championing the Grow Your Own Food movement in land-scarce and import-dependent Singapore.

Play Moolah will also be part of the community action hub programmes till 31st August 2015
Play Moolah will also be part of the community action hub programmes till 31st August 2015

It is truly remarkable that something as simple as ice cream can bring so many people together for a good cause. Ben & Jerry’s new flagship store may not be the first to campaign giving back to the society in Singapore, but they have definitely gotten a lot of traction for the participating organisations, as well as, giving a sustainable source of business for local establishments like Score Bakery. It is definitely good to know that, as we enjoy our cooling treats, we are bringing smiles to many others at the same time.

Ben & Jerry’s Flagship Scoop Store is located at 313@Somerset Level 1Discovery Walk, 313 Orchard Road, Singapore 238895. They will open from 11.00AM to 10.00PM daily.


About the Writer
SUPERADRIANME Writer _ Jessica ChanJessica is a young lady of many obsessions. She gets herself into everything ranging from the latest in the monochrome fashion world (she only wears black, and sometimes, white) to convincing the masses that Community is the best TV series ever made.
Currently, she enjoys looking like Sailor Mercury had a baby with Wednesday Addams.

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Jessica Chan
Jessica is a young lady of many obsessions. She gets herself into everything ranging from the latest in the monochrome fashion world (she only wears black, and sometimes, white) to convincing the masses that Community is the best TV series ever made.


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