Spider-Man - First SuperHero Earth Hour Ambassador

Spider-Man – First SuperHero Earth Hour Ambassador

Spider-Man - First SuperHero Earth Hour Ambassador
Spider Man First SuperHero Earth Hour Ambassador


Spider-Man will be the first superhero ambassador for Earth Hour, the global movement organised by the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) this year. It aims to inspire everybody to be superheroes and use their power to drive a positive change for the environment. Earth hour this year will be held on Saturday 29 March at 8.30pm around the world.

This year Earth Hour and the hero of the highly anticipated motion picture The Amazing Spider-Man 2 along with the film’s stars Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Foxx and director Marc Webb will throw their support behind Earth Hour Blue which aims to harness the power of the crowd to raise funds for on-the-ground environmental projects globally.

“I’m proud Spider-Man is the first Super Hero ambassador for Earth Hour because he shows we can all be Super Heroes when we realize the power we all have,” says Andrew Garfield, who plays Spider-Man in the upcoming film.  “Earth Hour is a movement that has created massive impact around the world, so imagine what we can do this year with Spider-Man by our side.”

This crowdfunding allows people to help deliver energy efficient stoves to families in Madagascar, help communities in the Philippines build fiberglass boats to withstand climate impacts including Typhoon Haiyan and raise funds to expand and conserve iconic Table Mountain National Park in South Africa and others.

Marc Webb is the first celebrity ambassador to announce the Earth Hour Blue project he is backing which aims to provide better equipment for WWF Rangers protecting Indonesia’s endnagered wildlife such as the Sumatran Tiger, Elephant, Rhino and Orangutan and their forest habitat.

“Spider-Man’s always been a very relatable Super Hero.  Peter Parker is a hero to all people, and an inspiration, so it seems very fitting that he should join forces with Earth Hour to empower every single individual to help save the planet,” Blake added.  “I’m also very proud of the fact that The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is entirely carbon-neutral.  We made a commitment to be as eco-conscious as possible during production itself, when we took a special effort to think green and avoid waste; now, completing that process with Earth Hour Blue is a wonderful testament to what we can achieve when we all work together.”

You can use the Earth Hour’s crowdsourcing platform for Earth Hour Blue. There will also be an Instagram campaign for people to share their love of Australia’s Great Barrier Reef, as part of WWF-Australia’s “Lights Out for the Reef” theme this year.

For those who want to help end shark finning in marine waters for shark-fin soup, global participants will be able to sign the Shark Saver’s “I’m FINished with FINS’ pledge.

Earth Hour 2014 with Spiderman

Meanwhile in Singapore, WWF-Singapore will be launching its first photo and film competitions for students here. Both competitions will ask youths to be superheroes and use their power to drive a positive change for Singapore. Film competition will be judged by Marc Webb, director of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, with the winning short film being screened at the Singapore premiere of the highly anticipated blockbuster.

“Being the home of Earth Hour puts Singapore in the global spotlight. WWF-Singapore is excited to see, in true Earth Hour fashion, the various government agencies, businesses and individuals collaborating with us to showcase Singapore’s commitment to sustainability,”  Ms Elaine Tan, CEO of WWF-Singapore

So to all ‘Superheroes” residing in Singapore, it is time to ‘use your powers’ this Earth Hour by pledging their support at the Earth Hour microsite (http://earthhour.wwf.sg/) for four simple actions:

  • To turn their air-conditioning up by one degree,
  • Switch to LED lighting,
  • Use fewer plastic bags, and
  • Take shorter showers

This year’s Global Lights Out Event in Singapore will coincide with the closing of Urban Redevelopment Authority’s (URA) iLight Marina Bay and will be the world’s largest Earth Hour Event to date. It will be held at The Float@Marina Bay on 29 March from 5pm onwards and will be an action-packed celebration for everyone with a spectacular countdown to lights out. More details will be released on the Earth Hour micro-site soon.


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  1. Pingback: Andrew Garfield & Emma Stone Joins Spider-Man For Earth Hour | SUPERADRIANME

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