16 May 2012, Singapore – 19 May 2012, is International Museum Day. From 5pm to 7pm at SAM (Singapore Art Museum) @ 8Q, everyone is invited to come play table tennis with some of Singapore’s most promising table-tennis athletes on a donut-shaped table. The donut shaped table created by Singaporean contemporary artist Lee Wen as an interactive art installation entitled Ping Pong Go-Round, where it enables a player to engage in a game (or dialogue) with as many players as possible, regardless of gender and age.
Ping Pong Go-Round with Table-Tennis Athletes from our Youth Development Squad
Date: 19 May 2012 (Sat)
Time: 5pm to 7pm
Venue: SAM @ 8Q
Ticketing info: Free admission
URL: http://www.museums.com.sg
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