Star Wars: The Force Awakens Singapore Countdown Events

REVIEW: Star Wars: The Force Awakens (No Spoilers)

REVIEW: Star Wars: The Force Awakens 
Star Wars The Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens will be the box office hit for this holiday season. Whether you are a fan or not, “The Dark Force” (from Star Wars fanatics around you and all the Star Wars feed on your social media) will be luring you to catch the movie in the cinema one way or another. NO HANDS were cut in this episode of Star Wars.

Did all the better looking people in the Galactic Empire die after Star Wars Episode 3? I was hoping for some hot babes or hunks in this new release who can convert some movie goers to Star Wars fans. Like Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala in the prequel trilogy.

Star Wars The Force Awakens Review
Star Wars The Force Awakens

But even though it is missing the sex appeal factor, Star Wars: The Force Awakens managed to keep everyone glue to their seats for a good balance of action sequences and comedy moments. And BB-8 is so so so so ADORABLE, quirky and expressive… I so wanna get the Sphero BB-8 toy after the movie.

Fans will feel nostalgic and appreciate that some Star Wars classic moments and items were still represented in the movie as how they were from the 70s & 80s trilogy. These are the moments where Star Wars fanatics will wow and cheer in the cinema (just in case you a non fan is wondering “Why Ah? What Happened?”).

Overall, the movie did not create much depth and background story for the new characters. I guess Director J.J. Abraham and his team have to build up the suspense for the upcoming two movies for the new trilogy. Even though he will not be involved in the next two productions.

Kylo Ren can never replace the iconic Darth Vader. I would give Star Wars: The Force Awakens 3.5 stars out of 5. Since it did not manage to convert me to a Star Wars fan.


Homework For Non-Star Wars Fans

Just in case you are not a fan like me, here’s a video that summarises Star Wars Episode 1-6 in 10 minutes to aid you in understanding the plot when catching Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

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