Logitech Keyboard Case For Ipad 2 by ZAGG

Book Review: iPad at Work by David Sparks

Book Review: iPad at Work by David Sparks

16 January 2012, Singapore – It’s the world of the iPads. Everywhere I go, I see people of all ages using the iPad and more and more people are using for work. Accessories such as bluetooth keyboards which I recently reviewed have also been sold in the market to help you be more productive.

iPad at Work is the definitive guide that helps guide you through the process of incorporating the iPad into a business environment. It helps you discover the capabilities of the iPad with recommendations on what Apps to use to help you become more productive.

Host of the Mac Power Users podcast, publisher of MacSparky.com and author of Mac at Work, David Sparks covers the best software and practices for productivity integrating the iPad into a work environment. Learn how to set up and get started with an iPad as well as tips on the best enterprise practices for word processing, spreadsheet creation, presenting, task and project management, graphic design and communications.

Written in a very user friendly language, you’ll be able to do the following after reading the book:

  • Set up your iPad for business, syncing it, backing it up, and choosing accessories and utilities
  • Investigate browser options, manage a Twitter feed, safely using cloud storage, set up a video conference and explore e-meeting options
  • Book flights and hotels, navigate a city and convert currency
  • Explore choices for word processing, spreadsheets, note-taking, presentations, email, reading ebooks
  • Discover apps that work for specific industries
  • Communicate with Windows networks

After reviewed this book, I realized that I am on the right track, having downloaded some of the recommended apps prior to reading it.

Logitech Keyboard Case For Ipad 2 by ZAGG
Logitech Keyboard Case For Ipad 2 by ZAGG
iPad at Work

iPad at Work is published by Wiley and is available at Kinokuniya for S$45.96

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Adrian Editor
Adrian Eugene Seet, editor of SUPERADRIANME.com, has long shared his passion for travel, destinations, and air travel. His childhood love for exploration has evolved into a thriving career, with his engaging content inspiring others to discover new cultures. Taiwan is his new-found favourite destination, and he dreams of visiting the Andes. Adrian's work is driven by his curiosity for travel trends and a commitment to lifelong learning.

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