Yun Nam Hair Care - Rubbing in the hair tonic and a massage

How My Hair Grew With The Help of Yun Nam Hair Care (Sponsored Post)

One-On-One Consultation at Yun Nam Hair Care
One On One Consultation at Yun Nam Hair Care

Taking care of my hair has always been the last thing on my mind. A quick shampoo first thing in the morning and last thing before going to bed has been the only pampering the scalp gets.

I noticed a thinning spot at the top of my head and realised it was getting more and more prominent. Something had to be done. I used to buy off-the-shelf treatments or shampoos but also got lazy using them.

I blamed my thinning hair on the perils of frequent air travel including the air pressure in the plane, different time zones screwing up my body clock and different types of not so healthy food.

We all know that a couple of factors help with hair growth, including enough rest, good nutrition, exercise and all but in this busy world, there is no ideal solution.

Yun Nam Hair Care in Plaza Singapura
Yun Nam Hair Care in Plaza Singapura

So when Yun Nam Hair Care approached me to try out their Herbalogy Hair and Scalp treatment with an open mind, I thought why not. The treatment helps to increase hair thickness, nourish hair from root to tip and relieves any itchy scalp and irritation.

First thoughts were, well, I didn’t want to smell like tonic chicken soup and I probably would not have the time to go for treatments once a week because of my travel schedule.

So in October this year, I went for my first consultation. I had mixed feelings. Well maybe just the slightly embarrassed feeling of a young balding man. It was good that Yun Nam Hair Care’s outlet was located close to the entrance of the car park at level two of Plaza Singapura away from the crowd.

First things first at Yun Nam Hair Care - Assessing the damage of the scalp and condition of the hair follicles.
First things first at Yun Nam Hair Care Assessing the damage of the scalp and condition of the hair follicles

The first consultation was very kind and encouraging. No one laughed at my balding spot. In fact, my consultant told me that my situation was not bad. She had seen worst. So this was comforting.

Yun Nam Hair Care - Comparing the scalp before the first treatment and the scalp a few weeks later
Comparing the scalp before the first treatment and the scalp a few weeks later

I did a scan of my scalp, and I could see that my follicles were clogged with oil from the hair gel and my oily scalp. There were also many empty follicles or some that had only one strand of hair coming out from them. After the scan, I was given a hair wash with the herbal shampoo.

Yun Nam Hair Care - You get a hair wash before every treatment.
You get a hair wash before every treatment

A good scrub to clean off the scalp before herbs were applied to my scalp. My head was wrapped up like a herbal chicken before it was left to steam for half an hour. Doing this together with another friend helped me to kill time taking silly selfies of ourselves and posting it on social media with captions such as “The Alien King” or “Feeling like a steamed herbal chicken”.

Yun Nam Hair Care - Herbal Treatment
Herbal treatment applied and left to steam for half hour

After all six main Chinese herbs were used in the products including ginseng, dang gui, he shou wu, hong hua, dang shen and chuan xiong.

The Ginseng increases hair thickness, nourishes hair from root to tip and relieves itchy scalp and irritation. Dang Gui prevents hair loss, strengthens hair roots and promotes new hair growth. He Shou Wu restores dark hair growth, prevents hair from turning grey.

Yun Nam Hair Care -Steaming for half hour
Steaming the hair with tonic wrapped with cloth for half hour

Hong Hua reduces dandruff, minimises scalp inflammation and boosts blood circulation to the scalp. Dang Shen encourages hair growth, protects hair from damage and prevents hair loss and greying while Chuan Xiong lessens daily hair fall, enhances healthy hair production and is the best herb for the treatment of balding, hair thinning on the crown area and parting line.

Yun Nam Hair Care - Rubbing in the hair tonic and a massage
Rubbing in the hair tonic and a massage

After the treatment was done, the herbs were washed off from my head and tonic was added to my scalp. This was followed by another scan and the scalp was much cleaner though there were still some oil particles that could only be washed off after a few sessions.

Yun Nam Hair Care - Tonic to be applied twice a day
Hair Tonic to be applied twice a day

I was given a bottle of shampoo and bottles of herbal tonic which I was supposed to apply in the morning and at night. I was not very conscientious with applying the tonic but used the shampoo every morning and night. If I remembered I would apply the tonic before going to bed. Just three drops and rubbing it into the scalp for five minutes. Okay, I have to confess that the longest I have rubbed the tonic in was just slightly under one minute.

Yun Nam Hair Care - Travel Sized bottling
Handy travel sized shampoo conditioner and tonic

What was useful were the travel sized bottles of shampoo, conditioner and tonic which I could bring along for my trips.

Yun Nam Hair Care - herbal concoction
The herbal concoction to help with hair growth

Why not try it out for yourself. Yun Nan Hair Care is offering a free consultation and ONE complimentary Hair & Scalp treatment. Click here for more details.



  1. How my hair grew when i used yum num hair care my first consultation was very kind and encouraging. No one laughed at my balding spot. In fact, my consultant told me that my situation was not bad. She had seen worst. So this was comforting. I did a scan of my scalp, and I could see that my follicles were clogged with oil from the hair gel and my oily scalp. There were also many empty follicles or some that had only one strand of hair coming out from them. After the scan given a hair wash with the herbal shampoo and then used some other steps

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