22 August 2011, Singapore – Remember Sparky the Jack Russell made famous on StarHub’s advertising campaigns? Yes, he is back again in StarHub’s latest interactive advertising campaign entitled “Love Tail” conceptualized by DDB, StarHub’s advertising agency. With just two-and-a-half months to put together the campaign, it will be premiering on 26 August 2011 on StarHub TV and YouTube as part of StarHub’s through-the-line campaign featuring its new “Life. HUB IT!” brand campaign. Besides TV commercials, other elements of the ad campaign includes outdoor (bus shelters), print and online.
It is giving away attractive prizes that includes S$10,000 cash, a MacBook Air, an iPad 2, a BlackBerry PlayBook, a Samsung 3D TV and a Bose Sound System for viewers who interact with its new commercial to help Sparky find his dream girlfriend.

Since the concept of hubbing was conceived in 2002, the term has evolved from convergence of mobile, pay TV and online platforms to defining Hub as an individual who receives, consumes and shares all the things that person loves in 2006. It has been given a different lease of life this year representing “seamless enjoyment where consumers can utilise as many modes of communication as they like to give or receive information” quoting Neil Montiefiore, CEO of StarHub. StarHub is the “social catalyst to that seamless life, and the enabler that provides products and services to make life much more exciting.”
So how does one interact with the commercial?
Download StarHub’s newly launched app for iPhones and Androids called HUB IT!. There is no charge for this application. With the app, you can explore the world within a commercial by interacting with the characters and the scenes on TV with your smartphones, somewhat similar to a role playing computer game. Start up the Fetch-A-Reward camera and align it with the commercial on TV or Youtube to kick-start the interactive experience. Do note that the app is triggered by sound of the commercial and not movement so do ensure that you are not listening with your ear phones.
By the way, I had a try on the iPhone during the media preview and I have to say that the Love Tail game is quite cute. In the game, you become Sparky and you would need to put out fires by peeing on them. Drink more water in the game so that you can up your ammunition, in this case, pee. Get to the end and reunite Sparky with his dream girl.
From 26 August to 10 September 2011, look out for clues and hints Hub It! app and StarHub’s Facebook page. These clues and hints will help you locate hidden scenes, tasks, videos, games and more within the Love Tail commercial that may possibly lead you other StarHub platforms. Each clue allows you to unlock a map that will eventually lead you to Sparky’s dream girl.
Here’s how to interact with the commercial in three simple steps:
Download the Hub It! app on to your iPhone or Android phone.
From 26 August to 10 September, a clue will be released every day.
All you have to do is check the Clue Page on the Hub It!
app or the StarHub Facebook Page for your clue updates.
Tap on ‘Fetch-A-Reward’ on your Hub It! app and align the ‘Fetch-A-Reward’ camera with StarHub’s new commercial on TV or
YouTube. Then tap on the characters and scenes within the commercial to unlock tasks. Solve the tasks to win our daily
prizes and unlock a map that will lead you to Sparky’s girl and the $10,000 grand prize.
Here’s how to interact with the commercial in one simple step:
From 18 August, look out for StarHub’s Hub It! posters at over 600 bus stops around Singapore.
Zap the QR codes on these posters with the Hub It! mobile app or other QR readers to win instant freebies including Golden Village movie vouchers, StarHub Music Store goodies, StarHub Game Store credits and limited edition premiums.