Finnair / Marimekko tableware for Business Class

Finnair Airbus A330 With Marimekko Print Metsänväki Livery Unveiled

FINNAIR A330 Metsanvaki LIVERY

Finnish airline Finnair unveils a second Marimekko livery on 7 May 2013 featuring a blue-forest livery based on the Marimekko print Metsänväki (“forest dwellers”) joining a sister aircraft painted in Marimekko’s Unikko (“poppy”) print last October.  The newly painted aircraft will fly from Helsinki to 13 Asian destinations and New York.

The fairytale like Metsänväki (“forest dwellers”) print was created by Maija Isola’s daughter Kristina Isola in 2007. The print is dedicated to dear and faithful friends: to trees and bushes of the forest, which stay put year after year.  The colours reflect peace and trust.

Finnair has also introduced special light-weight porcelain tableware by Marimekko in its Business class this month and will be introducing Marimekko napkins, blankets, pillows and head rest covers during summer. In Economy class, the same classic prints are replicated in the paper cups, headrest covers, fleece blankets and pillows.   The collection was designed by Marimekko designer Sami Ruotsalaninen in collaboration with Kirstina and Emma Isola, in original Marimekko patterns by Maija Isola.  The collection will feature an appropriate birds-themed range Kissapöllö (Tawny Owl), Silkkikuikka (Great Crested Grebe), and Koppelo (Hen Capercaillie) prints.

Finnair / Marimekko tableware for Business Class
Finnair Marimekko tableware for Business Class

The next time you fly on Finnair, you may just be able to enjoy a series of “magic moments” that you can slow down to enjoy that the cosy, warm and approachable Marimekko for Finnair collection hopes to offer in line with the airline’s peace of mind service concept.

As part of the collaboration, some of the Marimekko for Finnair items are also sold through in-flight sales and Finnair PlusShop.

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Adrian Editor
Adrian Eugene Seet, editor of, has long shared his passion for travel, destinations, and air travel. His childhood love for exploration has evolved into a thriving career, with his engaging content inspiring others to discover new cultures. China and Taiwan are his new-found favourite destinations, and he dreams of visiting the Andes. Adrian's work is driven by his curiosity for travel trends and a commitment to lifelong learning.


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