Superhero playboy, Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr) also known as Iron Man, is back to the big screen on its own after teaming up with Captain America, Thor, The Hulk and the rest of the gang in ‘The Avengers’. In ‘Iron Man 3’, the showoff playboy has turned into an insomniac workaholic, all just to protect his one true love, Pepper Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow). The action sequence in Iron Man 3 is the most intense out of the three installments and the first time seeing Tony Stark is down on his luck and charm to pull him though his bad times. The movie is still as funny as ever with Tony Stark’s unique sense of humour.
I would give this a 4 out of 5. Marvel fans will not want to miss this, so it is time to drag your non-Marvels fan friends to the theatre.
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