1 March 2012, Singapore – Singapore’s annual Total Defence campaign is back starting with a series of public engagement initiatives that started in mid February.
The objective of the Total Defence campaign is to remind Singaporeans on the concept of Total Defence. Previous year’s campaigns have focused on the “Hearts” and “Hands” of Singaporeans.
- 2009 – “What will you defend?”
- 2010 – “I Will” campaign urging self-reflection conversion to personal action
- 2011 – “Home – Keeping it together” which is a culmination of the first two year’s campaign leading into a response of “I Will Defend Our Home”
- 2012 – “It’s My Turn”
This year’s theme conveys the message that the peace and stability we enjoy today is a result of strong foundation created by our involvement and participation in Total Defence in the past. Now is also our turn to play our part and build on what our predecessors have done to keep our country strong and secure.
This year’s campaign is two fold:
1. Appreciate – Appreciate our cultures and identity
2. Participate – Take positive actions that contribute back to society by creating or joining social initiatives. Participation can range from individual movements or social cause on a larger scale.
Total Defence, in my opinion, calls for national pride and for us to remember that it was through mass participation that gives us what we have today. Put it in another perspective – we could be in a worst off situation.
To me, one word summarises all this – Contentment.
How Do We Participate In This Year’s Total Defence?
Check out the “It’s My Turn!” Website at www.itsmyturn.sg

With four infographics that depict four items: Eat, Speak, Play and Do, statistics will be generated from individual’s participation in the ongoing quiz on the site.
Try out for yourself to see which of the 12 personas represents you. The site uses illustrations to make it easy for anyone to understand and share on Facebook.
My didn’t turn out to be what I thought of myself. I hardly complain!! Well, looks like I have to give the quiz a try again.

More importantly, have fun on the site. Check out how other people faired.
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