Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

108 Lucky Fans Worked Hard For Their Lady Gaga Tickets


One of the winners from the Lil Monsters Go Gaga @ SingTel
One of the winners from the Lil Monsters Go Gaga SingTel



Details for Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way Ball” in May 2012 can be found here.


4 July 2011, Singapore – This evening, Gagafyed Hard core fans of Lady Gaga vying for 100 Lady Gaga Born This Way Showcase tickets got together at Comcentre, the head office of SingTel, to compete through song and dance dressed as their idol.

Click on the photos below to enlarge.
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Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan
Mine it does look as if some one fainted on stage

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

From as young as 9 years old, 108 participants took turns to show their talent on stage to a crowd of around 150 fans for over 2 hours.  One participant came out playing the violin, while a couple of participants came out with their guitars.   Some fans even crossed dressed as their idol.    There was a lot of passion, hard work and effort put into all the performances and kudos to the 108 fans who participated.


The Judges at the Lil Monsters Go Gaga @ SingTel Contest in Singapore
The Judges at the Lil Monsters Go Gaga SingTel Contest in Singapore



At the judging table were Georgina Chang, Senior Creative Director of MediaCorp, Sandy Monteiro, President of Universal Music, Southeast Asia and Loren Schuster, VP Marketing of SingTel.

At the end of the whole competition, SingTel announced that instead of giving out 100 tickets, all 108 participants would each get a pair of tickets.

Lady Gaga Singapore Fans

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan
Nine Year Old Kiki only practised one day prior to todays performance



The night ended with a high with all those who participated screaming in excitement that they would be going to watch Lady Gaga perform on 7 July 2011 after she arrives from her Taiwan performance.

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Lady Gaga Singapore Fan

Check out Lady Gaga’s tweet. You can follow her on twitter here.

Lady Gaga's Tweet from Taiwan on 4 July 2011
Lady Gagas Tweet from Taiwan on 4 July 2011



The day before, around 50 fans got together outside Ngee Ann City for a flash mob dancing to their favourite Lady Gaga’s Born This Way.  Check out the video below.


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Adrian Editor
Adrian Eugene Seet, editor of, has long shared his passion for travel, destinations, and air travel. His childhood love for exploration has evolved into a thriving career, with his engaging content inspiring others to discover new cultures. China and Taiwan are his new-found favourite destinations, and he dreams of visiting the Andes. Adrian's work is driven by his curiosity for travel trends and a commitment to lifelong learning.


  1. Pingback: Lady Gaga Born This Way Ball In Singapore 28 May 2012 | SUPERADRIANME

  2. South Beach Java

    They seriously went all out! That looks like so much fun!

  3. GabZChris

    Hey, do you still have the footage for all the contestants? I’m Contestant #85, appearing at 2:14. If you do, could you send it to me at Just for keepsake. Thanks, and great job with this video collage! (Y)

  4. 1.45 thats me hahaha. Thanks man! awesome stuff

  5. Pingback: Lady Gaga In Singapore 7 July 2011 | SUPERADRIANME

  6. Pingback: More Ways To Get Lady Gaga's Singapore Showcase Tickets | SUPERADRIANME

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