Canon Legria HF M41

Feature: Camcorders Canon Legria HF M41 and FS46

May 2011, Singapore – Capturing those precious moments on video these days have become more popular than just capturing still shots.  The choices out there can often be confusing but Canon recently launched a series of Legria camcorders.  Here we feature two of the plethora of tech equipment.


Canon Legria HF M41
Canon Legria HF M41



One is the feature-rich camcorder, the HF M41 which retails at S$1449.  With 10 times optical zoom, 32 GB built in Flash memory, Full HD 1920 x 1080 with option to downconvert from HD-to-SD, story creator mode, cinema-look filter and touch screen decoration, you’ll be able to create the perfect home-made video of you and your family.    The Story Creator mode acts as a personal movie director, providing useful and easy-to-follow tips on the type of scenes you can capture to tell a unique story, whether it is in a holiday, party or family setting.  Touch Decoration lets you add animation, stamps, frames, and messages to the footage in real time while the eight different built-in cinema-look filters elevate the final look and feel of the video by transforming everyday scenes to convey mood and tone.

Besides the 32 GB internal memory, there are also two memory card slots and a Relay Recording feature that allows you to continue shooting for longer by automatically switching to the next available storage source when the one is use becomes full.

The improved internal microphone reduces the background noise and picks out the softer sounds with crystal-clear quality so that you capture what is most important to you.

When shooting outdoors, the colour viewfinder is free from glare.   If you plan to go on a diving or snorkeling trip with your family, you have the option of getting the WP-V3 waterproof case which is capable of depths up to 40m.


Canon Legria FS46

Another Legria camcorder that comes with a more affordable price of S$599 is the FS46 which features 41 times advanced zoom, 8GB internal memory, electronic image stabilizer with Dynamic mode, night scene mode and an intelligent Li-ion Battery that displays the exact amount of power remaining in minutes.   The FS46 is fitted with advanced imaging features which includes a DIGIC DV II processor, a Canon video lens and powerful magnification with a 41x Advanced Zoom  that allows you to get closer to your subject without compromising on quality.

Start building up your home-made video library and show them off to your friends when they visit!

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Adrian Editor
Adrian Eugene Seet, editor of, has long shared his passion for travel, destinations, and air travel. His childhood love for exploration has evolved into a thriving career, with his engaging content inspiring others to discover new cultures. China and Taiwan are his new-found favourite destinations, and he dreams of visiting the Andes. Adrian's work is driven by his curiosity for travel trends and a commitment to lifelong learning.

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