Aesthetic clinics are aplenty in Singapore, with so many offering services and products the public could barely understand. It sure doesn’t help when the person behind the desk is sparing no effort maintaining an intimidating front, what with the lab coat and the aseptic surroundings of the clinic. That’s why I was pleasantly surprised when I walked into South Bridge Aesthetics (FB/G+). Looking incredibly homely – to the point, where they have gotten tourists coming in asking if it’s a hostel -, it puts clients at ease, just like if you were here for a spa day.
It became apparent why this clinic had such a welcoming ambience the moment I met the person behind it all; Dr. Winston Lee. Sincere, that’s how I would describe him. From the way he cheerfully joked with his staff to the endless smiles he had as he talked about how he valued his clients’ primary health over anything else, I could see why the clinic looked more like a place to tune out for the day than anything else.
Luckily for my job perks, I had the opportunity to sit down with the handsome doctor for a little chat about his goals for the clinic, future aspirations and his adventurous spirit that may one day bring him to the choppy nation of North Korea.
Me: You have quite a resume from being a GP, in A&E to a medical advisor in pharmaceutical companies like Glaxo and Smiths. Even now, you are exploring another specialised branch of medicine. Have you always known you were going into medicine as a kid? What kept your passion going on so strong?
WL: If you want the honest answer? It is actually parental pressure. You know how parents typically want their kids to be doctor, lawyers, dentists and engineers.
Me: Hahaha, yes. We have all been there!
WL: But, I would not have been in medicine for the past 10 years after graduation, if not for the fact that I began liking it at the start, and eventually grew comfortable with the profession and my designation as a doctor. I was actually scared of blood! But, eventually I saw it as a problem I have to solve, and that became form of excitement and passion for me.
Me: How did you go from all that to bringing such a specialised service in South Bridge Aesthetics Clinic?
WL: It is a very different environment. The main thing is that I enjoy everything that I do. When I was in A&E and when I had the uncanny chance to be introduced to the pharmaceutical industry, I enjoyed all of it. It was only in the last one, two years or so, that my friends approached me to consider setting up an aesthetics clinic and, I believe opportunity strikes only once. Since my friends were willing to support me, I decided to go for it.
Me: They are doctors as well?
WL: Actually, no. They are actually friends who are in the business. Various, from accountancy or have an interest in interior decorating like you see here.
Me: Oh yes, it is a very comfortable and welcoming space!
WL: We actually get tourists coming in confusing us with the hostel just up the road. It is very strange, but I am glad you said so. Usually clinics make patients feel stuck, or are too posh and intimidating. I wanted my customers to feel welcomed and comfortable, in a spa-like setting.

Me: When you first graduated did you see yourself opening up an aesthetics clinic? Were your family and friends surprised?
WL: My mum definitely. I am a little risk-adverse, and actually doctors make poor businessmen to be quite upfront! But, I had the support from my friends, and I have already set it up – so, there is only one way, which is forward.
Me: With your ample medical experience, I would say that many of your patients would be happy to know you have their backs. Was there anything in particular you learnt from your previous experiences that you could bring to your table in your aesthetics clinic – something that sets you apart from the rest?
WL: The key thing is that health and beauty is correlated. Those who come in for beauty on the external, needs to have good health on the inside too. If there are issues like obesity or diabetes, my past experiences actually allows me to run through the consultation in a holistic manner. I can’t just see the face or the skin, I understand the underlying health status plays a part.
Me: I don’t hear a lot of doctors going for that approach, it is almost refreshing.
WL: It is a fact! I am ultimately still a doctor. Focusing on beauty, yes, but I am not a salon. Some of them have habits like smoking and I have to do my incessant nagging. I have to be pragmatic with them that whatever treatment I do is not permanent. It is the health that is more crucial for the patients.
Me: You’re an avid gym-goer as well?
WL: I go to the gym, do yoga and jogging. They key thing is that I must walk the talk. I don’t smoke, drink and I exercise – I carry weight in my nagging!

Me: Let’s talk a little more about your signature treatment package known as Ulti-Life, combining Thermage and Ulthera. What exactly is it, and who would you say the treatment is suitable for?
WL: Ulti-lift is a combination of the two treatments at separate intervals, about one to two weeks. To explain, it all comes down to our approach to skin health – inside out. I recommend this to those from the mid-30s to up to about 60s. The rationale is because after crossing 30, our skin’s collagen and consistency starts to decrease and becomes a little more lax. So, you need to increase the collagen synthesis through Step 1, then the lifting for an immediate effect at Step 2.
Me: In a way, this inside out approach goes back to your belief in having good health?
WL: Yes. I came up with the idea I tried the machines on myself – both Step 1 and Step 2.
Me: So, you were the guinea pig!
WL: Yes. But only on half my face – and, I could see that it was significantly more lifted, tighter and firmer than the other side. I decided to offer it as a signature treatment, at a competitive price of S$4,500.
Me: Your price point is very surprising. I think we all expect at least a five-digit bill at the end of the day.
WL: Yes, we have to make it affordable still. At the heart of it, beauty should be accessible to people. And, I want clients to enjoy the results, let them be the future point of references.
Me: What would you recommend your clients to look into before going for it?
WL: No limitations on lifestyle, but, of course, I encourage healthy living.
Me: A lot of us assume that treatments like the ones you are offering are for a more mature group. Then again, we have bad habits like lack of sleep and all sorts, which can affect us even at a young age. So, do you recommend this to a younger audience as well?
WL: Sure, but first, always come in and have a consultation. We are always insecure about how we look, so it would do good to let a second pair of eyes, a professional one, to have a look and discuss what you need. It could be something simple like just a Carbon Peel Laser for radiance, but I still want to discuss about the patients expectations, budget and if they really need it. I am deep down a doctor, and I like to take things in a step wise approach, and give them only what they need.
Me: This is very reassuring to your patients as well.
WL: Yes, the face is very intimate. Patients will need that reassurance. I think the aim is for me to connect with the patients. I don’t believe in hard selling, but in what needs to be done. I believe in building a trusting doctor-patient relationship.
Me: Are there any tips you could give potential users when they are considering the treatment?
WL: Drop by, have a consultation and I can advise better. The approach I have is that there is really no obligation. There are other treatments, like for acne that may be more suited. I, myself, actually suffered from bad acne as well – you can still see some scars and I am actually doing some corrective treatment using lasers for myself.

Me: On top of all that, you lead quite an adventurous lifestyle, with your exotic holidays to places like Inner Mongolia. What you made you decide to travel to such far flung places, and are there any interesting stories you could share with us?
WL: A very simple answer is that I am still young. Certain places like Inner Mongolia and Africa safari has to be done now. Long plane rides, car rides, mountain climbing and all. I want to do these challenging places while I still can, and leave the relaxed city travel for later.
As for interesting stories, the scariest was when I was going back to Kenya to Eygpt, two years ago for my travel. The engine of our small plane actually caught fire; I told my friend I think I saw lightning in the distance, and he just replied, “No, that’s the engine catching fire.”
Me: Your friend was so calm!
WL: There was nothing we could do, but we eventually landed. But, in Sudan of all places! The North Korea of Africa essentially. It is a place no one talks about. The security was really strict, and I was escorted very closely to the hotel – I was not allowed to leave the place.
Me: You both sound way too relaxed in spite of all the hoo-ha!
WL: At the end of it, it is out of your control. So, take whatever comes. It made me realise that life is very valuable, and I need to value everyday as it comes, like starting up a clinic.
Me: Where are you looking forward to travel to next?
WL: Actually, the one place I would like to go. A short trip. To North Korea!
Me: Really?
WL: I actually read up about it and it is not as bad as we think it is. I really want to see for myself if it is a lot of propaganda and all. Since I have a Singapore passport – which makes it quite easy -, I will take advantage of that to travel. After, I would like to explore parts of central Asia, like Uzebekistan.
Me: It is actually so beautiful, but safety is an issue.
WL: It is actually safe, with common sense. Like no bazaars late at night! I could actually heard gunshots once at night, which was audible – not far away.
Me: That didn’t scare you away at all!
WL: You need to have an adventurous spirit. I believe what comes in life, you just have to take it head on!
South Bridge Aesthetics Clinic is located at 277 South Bridge Road Singapore 058826 (in front of Chinatown Food Street). More information can be found on the website, and appointments/enquiries can be made here, through ask@sbaclinic.com or +65 9730 8999.
About the Writer
Jessica is a young lady of many obsessions. She gets herself into everything ranging from the latest in the monochrome fashion world (she only wears black, and sometimes, white) to convincing the masses that Community is the best TV series ever made.
Currently, she enjoys looking like Sailor Mercury had a baby with Wednesday Addams.
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